Kim’s Success Story

Kim lost 152 lb with YAZIO
-152 lb

I haven't been happy with my body in a long time, but I didn't want to accept this and tried to convince myself that it was okay that I was so heavy and I would always be that way. Basically along the lines of: There have to be fat people, too.

Kim, 25
Goal: Lose Weight

302 lb


150 lb


5 ft 7 in


What do you find most difficult about reaching your goal?

Giving up my favorite food

Incorporating exercise into my daily routine

Feeling like I can't indulge anymore

Staying motivated when progress slows

Keeping an eye on my calories and nutrients


Why did you want to lose weight?

For me, there wasn't really one defining moment. However, as if overnight, I was lying on the couch and I had this aha moment. I thought to myself: "Kim, you have to change something!"

"Nobody has to be unhappy. It's up to you to get more quality out of life. I don't want to miss out on this quality of life anymore and I feel like a new person."

My life before was very monotonous. I did the same thing everyday: School, eat, sleep. I hadn't been happy with my body in a long time, but I didn't want to accept this and tried to convince myself that it was okay that I was so heavy and I would always be that way. Basically along the lines of: There have to be fat people, too. I was basically the master at lying to myself. As a result, I didn't spend much time with friends and I really didn't do anything outside. I withdrew further and further so that as few people as possible were looking at me.

What did you want to accomplish on your journey?

I had several goals I wanted to accomplish with my weight loss. After the first results, I gradually saw more and more. For example, I wanted to buy clothes that I liked, not just ones that fit me. I also didn't want to have people staring at me in public, which was extremely limiting. I never dared to go out to eat, for example. In addition, I have an annual pass for the amusement park. I wanted to be able to go there without any worries. After all, it's a place to have fun. I was always focused on whether I would fit into the seats of the ride, whether they would hold my weight at all, and how it looked when I was (in my eyes) "squeezed" into the seats.

The main reasons, however, were my health and my life. I wanted to look nice in a wedding dress one day without being limited by sizes. I also want to have kids and a pregnancy with this excess weight is almost impossible or very dangerous for both mother and baby.

How did you reach your goals?

With a lot of discipline! For such weight loss, discipline is indispensable. You have to want it. Admittedly, I didn't follow a strict diet plan. I usually saved up some calories over the week so that I could enjoy a cheat day (usually on the weekend). Cheat days used to get out of hand for me. As a compromise, I discovered the cheat meal. On this day, I usually had fast food, which was definitely my weakness. Thanks to YAZIO, I didn't have to go without it. Instead, I learned to cut back on how much I was eating and consciously enjoy it.

Kim’s Tips

Give your body the time it needs.
Set realistic goals.
Don't compare yourself to others.
Hang in there! There will most certainly be obstacles along the way, but you have to remember how far you've already come.

On all other days of the week, I cooked a lot of fresh and healthy meals. Every once in a while, I would enjoy some chocolate, chips, etc. Not having to cut out everything has helped me rethink and reflect on my eating habits. When I was on the go, I would usually prepare something ahead of time and take it with me so that there was no temptation. There are plenty of meals that can be prepared within just a few minutes. "Not enough time" was never an excuse for me. I go to the gym 3 times per week. On these three days, I do a 90-minute combination of strength and cardio training. I also move around a lot during the day, I walk instead of taking the car or I take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Kim’s Favorite Recipes

Keto Granola Bars
Keto Granola Bars
Zucchini & Herb Chicken
Zucchini & Herb Chicken
Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie
Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie
Banana Bread Cookies with Honey & Yogurt Icing
Banana Bread Cookies with Honey & Yogurt Icing

How did YAZIO help you?

YAZIO helped give me an overview of the calories for each food and made me aware of how many calories I was eating on the side. The app also showed me I don't need to go without pizza, burgers, chocolate or other things I love. I just need to adapt how much of them I'm eating to my calorie goal. This allowed me to change my diet in the long term.

Did you have setbacks?

To be honest, there have been very few times that I was lacking motivation. I have always been able to cling to my previous accomplishments, which made it worth it not to give up. The quality of life, which I gradually fought to get back, also helped stop me from falling back into old habits. On bad days, I simply asked myself: "What's more important, to eat everything or to continue feeling better and fitter?"

What advice do you have for other users?

Hang in there! There will definitely be obstacles along the way, but remember your goals and what you've already accomplished. In my opinion, losing weight isn't a marathon in which you can compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own pace and it doesn't matter when you reach your goal, as long as you reach it in a healthy way. That's why you shouldn't strive for a deficit that's too high. It will only backfire and cause a yo-yo effect.

What are your future goals?

Right now I'm maintaining my weight and things are going well. I want to keep going and continue working out because I can see how well this in toning and shaping my body. I have the feeling that I've finally arrived and, with my experiences and new knowledge from the last year, can continue to maintain my weight in the long term.

Why do you want to tell your story?

It's important for me to share my story so that I can show others that it works. You have to overcome your inner couch potato and stop turning a blind eye to reality, like I had done for all of those years. I believe that everyone can do it. I want to help motivate others to try and to see it through. I also didn't believe it before. I was always skeptic of before and after pictures. Nobody has to be unhappy. It's up to you to get more quality out of life. I don't want to miss out on this quality of life anymore and I feel like a new person.

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