Juliana’s Success Story

Juliana lost 185 lb with YAZIO
-186 lb

I wanted to actively take part in my life again, to get in shape and fit into "normal" clothes without having to feel ashamed. I just wanted to do things that people with a normal weight do without having to think about it, like going swimming, eating an ice cream or going out with friends.

Juliana, 30
Goal: Lose Weight

351 lb


165 lb


5 ft 9 in


What do you find most difficult about reaching your goal?

Giving up my favorite food

Incorporating exercise into my daily routine

Feeling like I can't indulge anymore

Staying motivated when progress slows

Keeping an eye on my calories and nutrients


Why did you want to lose weight?

My trigger for wanting to lose weight came at a phase in my life when I was severely depressed. I had this clear moment where I looked at my life and realized I wasn't really living it.

"Balance is key."

I was just existing, sleeping a lot and didn't have any strength.

What did you want to accomplish on your journey?

I wanted to actively take part in my life again, to get in shape and fit into "normal" clothes without having to feel ashamed. I just wanted to do things that people with a normal weight do without having to think about it, like going swimming, eating an ice cream or going out with friends.

How did you reach your goals?

I consistently maintained a calorie deficit. I also do 16:8 intermittent fasting, eating 2 main meals, in the morning and early afternoon, and cut out snacking and dinner.

Juliana’s Tips

Drink enough water each day: 64–100 fl oz.
Avoid snacking when possible.
Aim for a realistic calorie deficit.
Increase your daily exercise: 10,000 steps per day, for example.
Be patient with yourself.

I started exercising right from the start, but changed up the type of activity and intensity depending on my desire, mood and the season.

How did YAZIO help you?

Since I'm able to add everything I consume throughout the day with YAZIO and don't have to calculate anything myself, I always have an overview of my day and know what fits and doesn't fit into my calorie budget. The best part is that you don't have to cut out anything!
You can even incorporate some chocolate or sweets into your diet and learn how to have a healthy relationship with these types of foods. I can definitely recommend the YAZIO recipes. They're very versatile and you can directly add the calories to your diary.

Juliana’s Favorite Recipes

Blueberry & Banana Buttermilk Smoothie
Blueberry & Banana Buttermilk Smoothie
Egg Drop Soup
Egg Drop Soup
Chicken Breast with Vegetable Quinoa
Chicken Breast with Vegetable Quinoa
Applesauce with Almond & Cinnamon Cream
Applesauce with Almond & Cinnamon Cream

Did you have setbacks?

I also experienced setbacks from time to time. Years ago, I lost 143 pounds, but gained it all back. Over the last few years, I've been consistently following the path I'm on now—with the exception of a few days when things weren't going as they should—and I haven't experienced any major setbacks, even when I broke my hand last September and had to take a 2-month break from exercise.

Juliana lost 185 lb, her success story

What advice do you have for other users?

Don't think of it as a diet. Instead, think of it as a lasting change in lifestyle. There is no "according to YAZIO and calorie counting concept." The journey is the goal. This will also take a lot of pressure off you to reach certain goals in a certain amount of time.

What are your future goals?

In terms of weight, I've already reached my goal. I want to maintain that, but I don't weigh myself anymore because focusing on weight isn't good for me. Plus, I exercise a lot now, including strength training. My goals are exclusively athletic in nature, like running a half marathon.

Why do you want to tell your story?

Above all, I want to encourage others and show that you can also lose a lot of excess weight if you really change your lifestyle long term. Even if your personal circumstances don't make it easy. Personally, I suffer from depression, panic attacks and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
It's also important for me to show that calorie counting is the key and you most certainly don't need to go hungry or cut out certain foods.

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