Bebidas energéticas: tabla de calorías

Bebidas energéticas

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Coca Cola (3)

Pepsi (3)

Red Bull (2)

For the most part, energy drinks provide very little nutritional value – they tend to be high in carbohydrates and low in protein and fat. Their main value comes from the caffeine content. Refer to the calorie counter for energy drinks to determine the calories and the nutrition facts.

High in Calories

Some energy drinks come in “shot” form, like 5-Hour Energy, which boast a low calorie count and a lack of added sugar. Many energy drinks, however, are similar in calorie content to soft drinks, having 150 or more calories per serving. Drinking energy drinks in excess can not only lead to an overdose of caffeine, but it can also significantly increase your daily calorie intake which could lead to weight gain and a multitude of health problems.

Low in Nutritional Value

Energy drinks typically do not provide much in the way of nutritional value, but they do contain certain vitamins and minerals. B-complex vitamins are often added to energy drinks for their ability to convert food into energy. It is yet to be proven, however, whether the addition of B vitamins to energy drinks actually increases energy levels. Some of the B vitamins used in energy drinks include niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5), and folic acid (B9).
Energy drinks are generally regarded as dangerous or, at the very least, unhealthy by the medical community. Not only do they contain dangerous amounts of caffeine, but they can cause adverse effects on the body as well. Refer to the calorie calculator for energy drinks to determine the carbs, calories and the nutrition facts.

Caffeine Content

Many people have come to rely on a daily dose of caffeine to wake them up in the morning and to keep them feeling productive throughout the work day. The caffeine content of coffee and tea is very low compared to energy drinks, however. One cup of regular coffee contains about 95mg of caffeine but energy drinks like Monster, RockStar and Red Bull often contain upwards of 200mg of caffeine per serving. According to the Mayo Clinic, it is safe to consume up to 400mg of caffeine per day but if you consume energy drinks, you could easily exceed that limit with less than two drinks.

Interaction with Alcohol

Energy drinks and alcohol do not make for a good combination. Not only does the use of energy drinks like Red Bull as a mixer in alcoholic beverages increase your likelihood to over-consume, but it can mask the effects of alcohol, causing you to underestimate your level of intoxication. Some alcoholic drinks like Four Loko contain caffeine and they have actually been banned in some states.