Huiles végétales : tableau des calories

Huiles végétales

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The nutritional value of vegetable oils varies from one type to another – some may be good for you while others are merely a source of empty calories. Refer to the calorie calculator for your vegetable oils to determine the calories and nutritional information.

High in Calories

One of the main uses for vegetable oils is in cooking. While vegetable oil contains no protein or carbohydrate, it is typically high in fat. Depending on the type of vegetable oil you use, that fat may be either monosaturated or saturated. Nonetheless, the fact that vegetable oil is high in calories means that you need to use it sparingly. If you have a hard time portioning out your cooking oil, try switching to a vegetable oil spray.

Vitamins and Minerals

One of the most important nutrients you can find in vegetable oil is Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect your body against free-radical damage, the type of cellular damage that can lead to cancer and other chronic diseases. The vegetable oils highest in Vitamin E include sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, and almond oil. Other nutrients you may find in some vegetable oils include vitamin A and Vitamin K.
Certain types of vegetable oil can be very bad for your health because they contain trans fatty acids. Other vegetable oils, on the other hand, can provide heart health benefits. Refer to the calorie counter for your vegetable oils to determine the calories and nutritional information.

Dangers of Hydrogenated Oils

While some kinds of vegetable oils can actually be good for you – think olive oil and canola oil – hydrogenated vegetable oils are loaded with trans fats and can be bad for your health. Hydrogenated oils contain anywhere between 15 and 25% trans fatty acids, though partially-hydrogenated oils have a lower percentage. Margarine, for example, is a mixture of hydrogenated and un-hydrogenated oil. Some of the negative side effect that have been linked to trans fats include increased LDL cholesterol levels, raised blood pressure, and increased risk for heart disease.

Improved Heart Health

While hydrogenated oils contain trans fats that are bad for your heart, certain types of vegetable oils contain monosaturated fats which are good for your heart. Monosaturated fats contain 9 calories per gram, as the calorie chart below will show, and they may also contain a variety of other nutrients. Some of the best sources of monosaturated fat in vegetable oils include avocado oil, olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, and canola oil.