Quark & Cottage Cheese: Calories & Nutrition Facts

Quark & Cottage Cheese

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Because quark and cottage cheese are dairy products made from milk, they contain many of the same nutritional benefits. Refer to the calorie counter for quark and cottage cheese to determine the calories and nutritional value.

Rich in Calcium

Because quark and cottage cheese are made from milk, they are be a very good source of calcium. Calcium is one of the nutrients that is most likely to be found lacking in the American diet, so regular consumption of quark and cottage cheese can help to boost your calcium intake. Calcium is crucial for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, especially in developing children. It may also help to boost your metabolism, encouraging your body to burn more fat.

Protein Content

A 4-ounce serving of quark and cottage cheese contains about 120 calories with 5 grams of fat, 3 grams of carbohydrate and 14 grams of protein. Even low-fat and nonfat varieties of quark and cottage cheese still contain high levels of protein. Because quark and cottage cheese contain a healthy ratio of carbs and protein, it is often recommended for use as a recovery meal after strength training or intense cardio sessions.
Given the fact that quark and cottage cheese contain a good balance of fats, carbohydrate, and protein, this food is generally considered to be healthy. In addition to providing good nutrition, quark and cottage cheese also delivers some significant health benefits. Refer to the calorie calculator for quark and cottage cheese to determine the calories and nutritional value.

Healthy Weight Loss

Because quark and cottage cheese contain a good balance of nutrients, and because it can be fairly low in calories compared to other types of cheese, it is often recommended for weight loss. Compared to a 100-gram serving of cheddar cheese that has about 400 calories, a same-size serving of cottage cheese contains only 98 calories. Substituting a low-calorie food like cottage cheese for high calorie foods as part of a healthy diet may help you to lose weight.

Reduced Risk for Osteoporosis

As you have already learned, quark and cottage cheese are a good source of calcium. Calcium is an essential mineral that is required to grow and maintain healthy bones and teeth. Including calcium in your diet is important for preventing osteoporosis – it may also help to reduce your risk for certain types of cancer, including colon cancer. Quark and cottage cheese may also contain appreciable amounts of certain vitamins and minerals including vitamin B – a vitamin which helps the body to absorb and utilize calcium.