Grassi animali: tabella calorie

Grassi animali

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In regard to nutrition facts, animal fats are composed of triglycerides, a type of lipid made up of three different fatty acids. These fats contain no carbohydrate or protein – most of the calorie content comes from a combination of saturated and unsaturated fats rather than protein or carbs. Feel free to use the calorie calculator included in this site to determine the number of calories from fat each product in this category contains. Animal fats are an excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins, though they typically do not contain minerals unless the product has been fortified by a manufacturer.

Animal Fats vs. Plant Oils

One of the main points nutritionists make in defending the use of animal fats over vegetable oils is the fact that animal fats are natural. Vegetable oils are often hydrogenated through a chemical process that alters the oil from its natural state to increase shelf-life whereas many animal fats can be used with little alteration. The main nutritional difference between animal fats and plant oils is the saturated fat content. Plant oils like olive oil contain a higher percentage of monounsaturated fats while fats derived from animal protein are higher in saturated fat.

Saturated vs. Unsaturated Fat

Animal fats are made up of a combination of saturated and unsaturated fat – the ratio for the two varies from one type of animal fat to another. For example, beef fat contains about a 50:50 ratio of saturated to unsaturated fat while chicken fat has a ratio closer to 30:70. A calorie counter will help you to determine the number of calories from saturated fat versus unsaturated fat for each product.
Though there are certainly health risks involved in consuming too much saturated fat, eating a balanced diet that includes animal fats will not significantly increase your risk for chronic disease. In fact, animal fats are the foundation of some popular modern diets including the Paleo Diet which is known for helping to lower risk for chronic disease.

Animal Fats and Heart Disease

For years, the American Heart Association (AHA) has been advocating for the switch from animal fats to vegetable oils. The idea is to replace saturated fats with the omega-6 polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oils. According to an analysis conducted by the National Institutes of Health, however, this switch may contribute to as much as a 16% increased risk of death from heart disease.

Saturated Fat for Optimal Function

Without saturated fats in your diet, your body would not be able to function properly. Saturated fat plays a role in supporting the immune system and it also helps to protect your liver and lungs. Your bones actually require saturated fat in order for them to effectively incorporate the mineral calcium. Even the brain needs saturated fat to function.