Bollos y panecillos: tabla de calorías

Bollos y panecillos

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The nutritional value of buns and rolls varies greatly depending on the ingredients used. Refer to the calorie calculator for your favorite buns and rolls to determine the calories and the nutrition facts.

Whole Grain vs. White Flour

If you compare the nutrition facts for buns and rolls made with whole grain flour versus processed flour, you will notice a difference. Whole grains are an excellent source of dietary fiber as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. Processed grains are often fortified with nutrients, but a significant portion of the nutritional value for cereals and grain products can be lost during processing. This processing does not, however, significantly alter the calories or carbohydrate content of the food.

Sugar Content

When you think about the ingredients used to make bread and rolls – even whole-grain or whole-wheat varieties – you may not realize just how much sugar they contain. The type of white bread that is popular in the United States contains about 1.5 grams of sugar per slice – buns and rolls made from white bread are typically larger than a single slice and thus contain more sugar. The carbohydrate content in bun and rolls alone will have a significant impact on your blood sugar levels, not to mention the added impact of sugar.
Certain types of buns and rolls are deemed healthier than others based on the ingredients used to make them. Buns and rolls made with alternative flours, for example, may be lower in carbs and higher in essential nutrients. Refer to the calorie counter for your favorite buns and rolls to determine the calories and the nutrition facts.

Alternative Flours

While most buns and rolls you come across are made from either enriched white flour or whole wheat flour, there are many alternative flours that can be used to make buns and rolls as well. Gluten-free flours like almond flour and coconut flour are not only lower in carbohydrate than traditional flours, but they are also higher in protein and heart-healthy fats. Buns and rolls made with alternative flours are not just for those with special medical or nutritional requirements – they can be a healthy alternative for everyone to enjoy.

Reduced Risk for Diabetes

Buns and rolls made with whole grains have the potential to decrease your risk for certain chronic conditions including diabetes. Including whole grains in your diet may help to stabilize your blood sugar levels, preventing dangerous slumps or spikes. The magnesium in whole grain buns and rolls may also help to prevent diabetes by regulating your body’s insulin and glucose levels.