Queso tierno: tabla de calorías

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Soft cheese is a good source of vitamins and minerals in addition to providing some protein and fat. Refer to the calorie calculator for your favorite soft cheese to determine the calories and nutritional value.

Vitamins and Minerals

Because soft cheese is made from milk, it has a similar nutrient profile. Soft cheese is rich in a variety of fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A as well as several water-soluble vitamins like vitamin B12, vitamin B2, and folate. Some of the minerals found in soft cheese may include calcium, phosphorus, iodine, and sodium.

Saturated Fat Content

The nutrition label for soft cheese will show that most types are high in saturated fats. In recent years there has been a good bit of controversy regarding the dangers of a diet high in saturated fats, but some suggest that saturated fat has less of an impact on the risk for heart disease than previously thought. Saturated fats from certain types of cheese (like hard cheese and natural soft cheese) are less likely to have a significant impact on heart health than highly processed cheeses.
In addition to providing good nutritional value, soft cheese also provides several health benefits including improved bone health and lower blood pressure. Refer to the calorie counter for your favorite soft cheese to determine the calories and nutritional value.

Improved Bone Health

Because soft cheese is made from milk, it contains a significant amount of calcium, a mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. If your diet does not provide adequate amounts of calcium, you may develop a bone-related condition called osteoporosis which results in bone density loss. Soft cheese also contains vitamin B which helps your body to absorb and utilize calcium appropriately.

Lower Blood Pressure

A study conducted in Spain using more than 5,000 adults showed that individuals who consumed more low-fat dairy products like soft cheese had a 54% lower risk of developing high blood pressure over a period of two years. The calcium in soft cheese is suspected to play a role in reducing blood pressure, as are the proteins found in low-fat dairy products.