Fruits exotiques : tableau des calories

Fruits exotiques

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Tropical and exotic fruits are an excellent source of nutrition. Refer to the calorie calculator for your favorite tropical and exotic fruits for the calories and nutritional information.

Super Foods

Super foods are simply healthy foods that have been identified as providing a higher level of nutritional value than other foods. Many tropical and exotic fruits have been labeled as super foods because they are particularly rich in vitamins and minerals as well as other nutrients. Mangosteen, for example, is extremely high in antioxidants and dragon fruit contains high level of oleic acid, a type of fatty acid that our bodies can’t produce on their own. Tropical fruits like papaya and pineapple are also rich in nutrients including Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and various antioxidants.

Rich in Fiber

Tropical and exotic fruits contain a significant amount of dietary fiber. For example, a one-cup serving of pineapple contains about 2.3 grams of fiber and a same-sized serving of lychee contains about 2.5 grams of fiber. Dietary fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet because it helps to regulate digestion and maintain digestive health. Having enough fiber in your diet is also important for regulating your LDL cholesterol levels.
Tropical and exotic fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals which impacts their ability to provide a number of significant health benefits. Refer to the calorie counter for your favorite tropical and exotic fruits for the calories and nutritional information.

Packed with Vitamins

Tropical and exotic fruits are an excellent source of vitamins, vitamins that are essential for good nutrition. Some of the tropical and exotic fruits that are highest in vitamin and mineral content include guava, mango, and papaya. Papaya contains more Vitamin C than an orange and more potassium than a banana. Guava contains three times your recommended daily value for vitamin C and more than 5 times the Vitamin C of an orange. In addition to its sweet flavor, mango also contains twice your daily recommended amount of Vitamin A significant amounts of B vitamins.

Promotes Healthy Weight Loss

While some tropical and exotic fruits like acai berries are touted to have magical weight loss benefits, the real power is in the fact that many tropical and exotic fruits are low in calories and rich in nutrients. Reducing your daily calorie intake is vital for healthy weight loss but you also need to make sure you provide your body with good nutrition. Because tropical and exotic fruits are relatively low in calories but packed with nutrients, they are a good food for weight loss.