Potato Products: Calories & Nutrition Facts

Potato Products


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Potatoes are a tuberous vegetable and, as such, they do provide some level of nutritional value which can be transferred to potato products during processing. Refer to the calorie counter for your favorite potato products to determine the calories and nutritional information.

Sodium Content

One thing to be wary of with potato products is the fact that many of them have high sodium levels. While your body needs some level of sodium to maintain your electrolyte balance, too much sodium can lead to health problems. One medium potato contains only about 13 mg of sodium while potato products like potato chips and French fries may contain anywhere from 240mg to 2,400mg. When checking the nutrition label for your favorite potato products for calories and carbohydrate, don’t forget to check the sodium content as well.

Vitamins and Minerals

While some potato products can be fairly high in carbs and calories, they also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. For example, potatoes and potato products are often a good source of the mineral potassium. One medium potato provides about 620mg, almost 20% of your daily recommended intake for potassium! Other vitamins and minerals that can be found in potato products include vitamin C, Vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, and copper.
While certain potato products like French fries and fried potato chips may not be “healthy,” many potato products do provide certain health benefits if they are prepared in a healthy way. Refer to the calorie calculator for your favorite potato products to determine the calories and nutritional information.

Bone Health

Potatoes, and thus potato products, contain a number of important nutrients that are necessary for bone health. Some of these nutrients include iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Both phosphorus and calcium are necessary for bone structure, it is important to maintain a balance of the two – too much phosphorus with too little calcium may actually lead to bone loss. In addition to checking the nutrition facts of potato products for carbs, fats, and protein, check for these nutrients as well.

Heart Health

Not only are potato products rich in dietary fiber, but they may also contain a decent amount of vitamin C, vitamin B-6, and potassium. This combination of nutrients can help to support heart health, especially since potatoes are naturally low in cholesterol. In a recent study, participants who consumed 4069mg of potassium per day experienced a 49% reduction in risk for heart disease. Keep in mind that potato products prepared by frying may not be as low in cholesterol as others prepared by baking.