Riz : tableau des calories


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The nutritional value of rice varies from one kind to another, so refer to the calorie calculator for your favorite type of rice to determine its calories and nutrition facts.

White vs. Brown

When it comes to rice, there are many different varieties to consider but white rice and brown rice are two of the most popular varieties. While both white and brown rice offer good nutritional value, there are key differences between the two. White rice is made from brown rice but it has had the bran and germ removed – this takes away some of the fiber content as well as some of the vitamin and mineral content. Brown rice has twice as much phosphorus and manganese as white rice and 3 to 10 times the quantity of certain B vitamins.

Vitamin and Mineral Fortification

Because white rice loses some of its nutritional value in processing, food manufacturers often try to add some of those nutrients back. Many people rinse white rice to reduce its starch content and to improve the taste and texture. Unfortunately, rinsing the rice will result in the loss of those fortified nutrients. Rinsing or soaking brown rice, on the other hand, will not result in a loss of nutrients. In fact, soaking brown rice in warm water for 20 minutes stimulated germination which activates certain enzymes that actually improve the nutritional value of the rice.
The health benefits of rice vary from one type to another. Certain types of rice are much higher in fiber, for example, and some types of rice are high in antioxidants. Refer to the calorie counter for your favorite type of rice to determine its calories and nutrition facts.

Fiber Content

Rice is a cereal grain and, as such, it is a high-carbohydrate food. A 100-gram serving of white rice contains about 80 grams of carbs, 7 grams of protein, and less than one gram of fat. For all that carbohydrate, however, white rice contains only about 1.3 grams of fiber. A similar-sized serving of brown rice contains about half a gram more fiber than white rice. Black rice, a fairly unknown type of rice, contains nearly 5 grams of fiber per 100-gram serving. Fiber is essential for healthy digestion and it helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Varied Nutritional Benefits

The nutritional benefits of rice vary from one variety to another. As you may already know, brown rice is higher in fiber than white rice but black rice is much higher in fiber still. Both red and black rice offer unique health benefits that sets them apart from both white and brown rice. It is thought that the pigments in black and red rice may help to reduce the formation of plaque in the arteries. The pigments in purple rice offer antioxidant benefits that may help to repair cellular damage caused by free radicals.