Hamburgers et sandwiches : tableau des calories

Hamburgers et sandwiches

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As the calorie calculator will show, the nutritional value of hamburgers and sandwiches varies widely depending on what kind of ingredients you use. The healthiest hamburgers and sandwiches are made with fresh veggies, lean meats, and whole-grain bread.

Whole-Grain Bread

To improve the nutritional value of your hamburgers and sandwiches, consider using whole-grain bread. Whole-grain bread is loaded with micronutrients, which are essential for supporting healthy metabolism and whole-body health. Whole grains are high in carbs but also high in dietary fiber, which helps to keep you feeling full while improving your digestive health – it also contributes to a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Lean and Unprocessed Meats

When selecting the meat for your hamburgers and sandwiches, consider using a lean and unprocessed option. Lean ground turkey, for example, is still an excellent source of protein while being lower in saturated fats than ground beef. When purchasing deli meats, choose all-natural or organic meats over highly-processed meats. Processed meats are often higher in fat and they may lose some of their vitamin and mineral content during processing.
The health benefits provided by hamburgers and sandwiches vary greatly depending on the ingredients used. For example, a sandwich made from low-fat deli meat on whole-grain bread will be much healthier than a greasy hamburger served on a processed bun. Refer to the calorie counter to determine the nutritional value of hamburgers and sandwiches.

Reduced Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

By using healthy ingredients in your hamburgers and sandwiches, you can increase the nutritional value and reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. For example, if you use whole-grain bread for your hamburgers and sandwiches you can significantly increase your dietary fiber intake, which will help lower cholesterol and reduce high blood pressure. By choosing lean meats you can also reduce your consumption of saturated fats, which contribute to cardiovascular disease.

Balanced Nutrition

Hamburgers and sandwiches provide an excellent opportunity to create a balanced meal all in one dish. You can work toward your daily recommended intake for healthy carbs by using a whole-wheat bun and increase your daily dose of protein with lean ground turkey or low-fat lunch meat. Don’t forget to add lettuce, tomato and other vegetables to increase the vitamin and mineral content of your hamburgers and sandwiches.