Legumi: tabella calorie


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Not only are legumes a valuable source of dietary fiber, but they are also rich in vitamins and minerals – many even provide a vegetarian source of protein. Refer to the calorie counter for legumes to determine the nutritional value of each item.

High Fiber Content

Perhaps the most significant health benefit of legumes is their high dietary fiber content. A single cup of beans contains anywhere from 14 to 20 grams of fiber – that is more than half of your daily recommended intake. Fiber is important for improving and regulating your digestion – it also helps to prevent constipation. The dietary fiber content in legumes also contributes to regulating your blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling full for longer than sugary snacks. The dietary fiber found in legumes help to reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Vegetarian Protein

While legumes often get the most attention for being high in fiber, it is also important to note that they are an excellent source of vegetarian protein. A single cup of cooked lentils, for example, contains nearly 18 grams of protein - a cup of boiled soybeans contains nearly 30. For individuals following a vegetarian diet, it can be tricky to get enough protein on a daily basis. Legumes are rich in protein and they provide a number of essential vitamins and minerals as well.
Legumes may be fairly high in carbs and calories, but they are low in fats and provide a number of significant health benefits. Refer to the calorie calculator for legumes to determine the nutritional value of these foods including the calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Healthy Weight Loss and Weight Management

Beans are sometimes referred to as the “magical fruit” and they certainly do provide a number of seemingly magical benefits. One benefit legumes are known to provide is to keep you feeling full for longer periods of time than carbohydrate-laden sugary snacks do. When you don’t feel hungry, you are less likely to snack thereby increasing your daily calorie intake. By including legumes at every meal you can reduce the urge to snack which may help you to lose weight or to maintain the weight you are at.

Reduced Risk for Diabetes

In 2012, researchers at the University of Toronto published the results of a study regarding the effects of legume consumption on people with Type 2 Diabetes. The results of the study suggest that adding beans and other legumes to the diet of individuals with Type 2 Diabetes can lead to a significant reduction in blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Legumes like beans, lentils, and chickpeas are rich in both protein and dietary fiber which help to regulate blood sugar levels which is important for diabetics. These foods are also considered low-glycemic foods.